Municipality Canada > British Columbia > Central Kootenay > Castlegar

Information on Castlegar

The City of Castlegar is located in the province of British Columbia. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Castlegar at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Castlegar Municipal Office

Castlegar office addressCastlegarCity hall Castlegar
460 Columbia Avenue

Castlegar V1N 1G7

Work+1 250-365-7227
Fax+1 250-365-4810
Castlegar phone number(250) 365-7227
International: +1 250-365-7227
Castlegar emailLoading...
Castlegar official websitecastlegar.ca
Mayor of CastlegarMaria McDaddin

Demography of Castlegar

Name of Castlegar inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population8 039 inhabitants64 / 484
Population density in Castlegar408,7 pop/km² (1 058,5 pop/sq mi)

Transportation modes in Castlegar

Castlegar Airport 3.9 km
Grand Forks Airport 65.4 km
Cranbrook Airport 139.9 km

Castlegar territory

Castlegar area1 967 hectares
19,67 km² (7,59 sq mi)
Castlegar altitude477 Altitude metres
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 49.324
Longitude: -117.666
Latitude: 49° 19' 26'' North
Longitude: 117° 39' 58'' West
Time zone
UTC -8:00 (America/Vancouver)
Summer time : UTC -7:00
Winter time : UTC -8:00
Local time
Cities twinned with CastlegarCurrently, the town Castlegar isn’t twinned
Natural parksCastlegar isn't part of a natural park

What is Castlegar close to?

Castlegar neighbouring municipalities
TrailNeighbouring townsFruitvale
Castlegar neighbouring municipalities
Fruitvale 21.7 kmTrail 22.6 kmWarfield 23.4 km
Montrose 24.6 kmRossland 26.5 kmSalmo 29.7 km
Nelson 35.4 kmUnited States Northport 43.3 km 

Distance between Castlegar and other main cities and towns

Toronto : 2964 kmMontreal : 4937 kmCalgary : 320 km closest
Ottawa : 3152 kmEdmonton : 551 kmWinnipeg : 1477 km
Mississauga : 2951 kmBrampton : 2939 kmVancouver : 395 km
Quebec : 3673 kmHamilton : 2952 kmHamilton Township : 2952 km
Surrey : 377 kmHalifax : 4051 kmLaval : 3285 km
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Castlegar town’s surrounding area

in the territory and around the Castlegar town
Kraft 6.2 km
Railroad station
Birchbank 17.9 km
Railroad station
Tadnac 23.6 km
Railroad station
Tadanac 23.6 km
Railroad station
Warfield 27.5 km
Railroad station

Leisure and activities in Castlegar surrounding area

No activities found in town Castlegar