Municipality Canada > New Brunswick > Westmorland > Bayfield

Information on Bayfield

The Community of Bayfield is located in the province of New Brunswick. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Bayfield at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Bayfield Municipal Office

Bayfield office addressNot available
Bayfield phone numberNot available
Bayfield emailNot available
Bayfield official websiteNot available
Mayor of Bayfield

Demography of Bayfield

Name of Bayfield inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population41 inhabitants331 / 2 354
Population density in Bayfield28,9 pop/km² (74,8 pop/sq mi)

Transportation modes in Bayfield

Eureka Aerodrome 270.3 km
Resolute Bay Airport 482.8 km

Bayfield territory

Bayfield area142 hectares
1,42 km² (0,55 sq mi)
Bayfield altitude6 Altitude metres
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 461
Longitude: -638
Latitude: 461° 0' 0'' North
Longitude: 638° 0' 0'' West
Time zone
UTC -4:00 (America/Moncton)
Summer time : UTC -3:00
Winter time : UTC -4:00
Local time
Cities twinned with BayfieldCurrently, the town Bayfield isn’t twinned
Namesake of Bayfield
  • Bayfield, Colorado, États-Unis
  • Bayfield, Wisconsin, États-Unis
Natural parksBayfield isn't part of a natural park

What is Bayfield close to?

Bayfield neighbouring municipalities
Neighbouring townsCap-Tourmentin
Bayfield neighbouring municipalities
Cap-Tourmentin 2.6 kmMurray Corner 11.5 kmBotsford 12.8 km
Borden-Carleton 16.3 kmPort Elgin 23.1 kmBedeque and Area 23.3 km
Baie-Verte 26 kmKinkora 26.3 kmVictoria 26.7 km
Crapaud 26.9 kmSummerside 28.5 kmLinkletter 30.1 km
Sherbrooke 31.9 kmMiscouche 33 kmSaint Nicholas 33.5 km
Breadalbane 34.5 kmWestmorland 34.8 kmCap-Pelé 36 km
Kensington 36.1 kmBonshaw 37 kmCumberland 37.7 km

Distance between Bayfield and other main cities and towns

Toronto : 4004 kmMontreal : 1745 km closestCalgary : 3175 km
Ottawa : 3852 kmEdmonton : 2895 kmWinnipeg : 3241 km
Mississauga : 4017 kmBrampton : 4007 kmVancouver : 3459 km
Quebec : 2029 kmHamilton : 4054 kmHamilton Township : 4054 km
Surrey : 3464 kmHalifax : 4085 kmLaval : 3854 km
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Bayfield town’s surrounding area

in the territory and around the Bayfield town
Sverdrup Islands 0 km
Cape Sverre 13.5 km

Leisure and activities in Bayfield surrounding area

No activities found in town Bayfield