Municipality Canada > Alberta > Northern Alberta > Hokedhe Túe 196e

Information on Hokedhe Túe 196e

The Indian reserve of Hokedhe Túe 196e is located in the province of Alberta. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Hokedhe Túe 196e at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Hokedhe Túe 196e Municipal Office

Hokedhe Túe 196e office addressNot available
Hokedhe Túe 196e phone numberNot available
Hokedhe Túe 196e emailNot available
Hokedhe Túe 196e official websiteNot available
Mayor of Hokedhe Túe 196e

Demography of Hokedhe Túe 196e

Name of Hokedhe Túe 196e inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
PopulationNot availableN.C / N.C
Population density in Hokedhe Túe 196eNot available

Hokedhe Túe 196e territory

Hokedhe Túe 196e areaNot available
Hokedhe Túe 196e altitude238 Altitude metres
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 596
Longitude: -111
Latitude: 596° 0' 0'' North
Longitude: 111° 0' 0'' West
Time zone
UTC -7:00 (America/Edmonton)
Summer time : UTC -6:00
Winter time : UTC -7:00
Local time
Cities twinned with Hokedhe Túe 196eCurrently, the town Hokedhe Túe 196e isn’t twinned
Natural parksHokedhe Túe 196e isn't part of a natural park

What is Hokedhe Túe 196e close to?

Hokedhe Túe 196e neighbouring municipalities
Tsu K'adhe TúeNeighbouring townsCornwall Lake 224
Tsu K'adhe TúeTsu K'adhe TúeCornwall Lake 224
Hokedhe Túe 196e neighbouring municipalities
Tsu K'adhe Túe 12.5 kmLi Dezé 196c 25.4 kmK'i Túe 196d 28.4 km
Thebathi 196 29.6 kmThe Jere Ghaili 196b 38.7 kmCornwall Lake 224 40.6 km
Charles Lake 225 45.8 kmThabacha Náre 196a 47 kmFort Smith 49.1 km

Distance between Hokedhe Túe 196e and other main cities and towns

Toronto : 17424 kmMontreal : 15802 km closestCalgary : 19450 km
Ottawa : 17324 kmEdmonton : 19720 kmWinnipeg : 18889 km
Mississauga : 17429 kmBrampton : 17443 kmVancouver : 18930 km
Quebec : 16778 kmHamilton : 17416 kmHamilton Township : 17416 km
Surrey : 18937 kmHalifax : 16521 kmLaval : 17215 km
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Leisure and activities in Hokedhe Túe 196e surrounding area

No activities found in town Hokedhe Túe 196e