Information on Roquemaure
The Municipalité of Roquemaure is located in the province of Quebec. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Roquemaure at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability. Update data |
Roquemaure Municipal Office
Roquemaure office address | RoquemaureMunicipal building Roquemaure 15 , rue Raymond E. Municipalité de Roquemaure J0Z3K0 Canada Work+1 819-787-6311 Fax+1 819-787-6383 | |
Roquemaure phone number | (819) 787-6311 International: +1 819-787-6311 | |
Roquemaure email | Loading... | |
Roquemaure official website | | |
Mayor of Roquemaure | Mathieu Guillemette |
Demography of Roquemaure
Name of Roquemaure inhabitants (demonym) | Roquemaurien, ienne | |||
Date | Current value | Classed by Region/Country | ||
Population | 409 inhabitants | 849 / 2 012 | ||
Population density in Roquemaure | 3,4 pop/km² (8,8 pop/sq mi) |
Roquemaure administrative numbers
Roquemaure Municipalité code | 87015 |
Roquemaure Municipalité postcode | J0Z3K0 |
Roquemaure administrative division
Country | Canada |
Province | Quebec |
Region | Abitibi-Témiscamingue |
Transportation modes in Roquemaure
Airport | Aéroport de Rouyn-Noranda 60.5 km Kirkland Lake Airport 61.1 km Amos Airport 84.8 km |
Roquemaure territory
Roquemaure area | 12 086 hectares 120,86 km² (46,66 sq mi) |
Roquemaure altitude | 290 Altitude metres |
Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 48.6 Longitude: -79.4 Latitude: 48° 36' 0'' North Longitude: 79° 24' 0'' West |
Time zone | UTC -5:00 (America/Montreal) Summer time : UTC -4:00 Winter time : UTC -5:00 |
Local time | |
Cities twinned with Roquemaure | Currently, the town Roquemaure isn’t twinned |
Natural parks | Roquemaure isn't part of a natural park |
What is Roquemaure close to?
Roquemaure neighbouring municipalities | ||
Clerval | Palmarolle | Palmarolle |
Clerval | ![]() | Gallichan |
Rapide-Danseur | Rapide-Danseur | |
Roquemaure neighbouring municipalities | ||
Gallichan 8.6 km | Rapide-Danseur 9.2 km | Palmarolle 16.5 km |
Sainte-Hélène-de-Mancebourg 16.6 km | Duparquet 16.6 km | Clerval 16.9 km |
Lac-Duparquet 17.8 km | Sainte-Germaine-Boulé 20.9 km | Dupuy 26.2 km |
La Sarre 26.7 km | La Reine 30.6 km | Poularies 31.5 km |
Macamic 33.8 km | Clermont 39.2 km | Chazel 39.3 km |
Saint-Lambert 39.3 km | Authier 43.1 km | Normétal 44.6 km |
Val-Saint-Gilles 45.8 km | Authier-Nord 47 km | Rouyn-Noranda 49.4 km |
Distance between Roquemaure and other main cities and towns
Toronto : 541 km | Montreal : 5162 km | Calgary : 2481 km |
Ottawa : 452 km closest | Edmonton : 2422 km | Winnipeg : 1295 km |
Mississauga : 557 km | Brampton : 548 km | Vancouver : 3153 km |
Quebec : 5036 km | Hamilton : 596 km | Hamilton Township : 596 km |
Surrey : 3136 km | Halifax : 1283 km | Laval : 544 km |
Distances are calculated as the crow flies |
Roquemaure town’s surrounding area
in the territory and around the Roquemaure town | ||
Ghost Range 32.8 km Hill |
Leisure and activities in Roquemaure surrounding area
No activities found in town Roquemaure |