Information on Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce
The Municipalité of Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce is located in the province of Quebec. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability. Update data |
Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce Municipal Office
Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce office address | Saint-Éphrem-de-BeauceMunicipal building Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce 34, route 271 S., Ste 101 Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce G0M1R0 Canada Work+1 418-484-5716 Fax+1 418-484-2305 | |
Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce phone number | (418) 484-5716 International: +1 418-484-5716 | |
Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce email | Loading... | |
Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce official website | | |
Mayor of Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce | André Longchamps |
Demography of Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce
Name of Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce inhabitants (demonym) | Éphremois, oise | |||
Date | Current value | Classed by Region/Country | ||
Population | 2 323 inhabitants | 336 / 1 023 | ||
Population density in Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce | 19,5 pop/km² (50,6 pop/sq mi) |
Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce administrative numbers
Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce Municipalité code | 29112 |
Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce Municipalité postcode | G0M1R0 |
Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce administrative division
Country | Canada |
Province | Quebec |
Region | Chaudière-Appalaches |
Transportation modes in Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce
Airport | Aéroport international Jean-Lesage de Québec 87.3 km Sherbrooke Airport 90.6 km Aéroport de Trois-Rivières 137 km |
Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce territory
Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce area | 11 887 hectares 118,87 km² (45,90 sq mi) |
Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce altitude | 291 Altitude metres |
Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 46.067 Longitude: -70.95 Latitude: 46° 4' 1'' North Longitude: 70° 57' 0'' West |
Time zone | UTC -5:00 (America/Montreal) Summer time : UTC -4:00 Winter time : UTC -5:00 |
Local time | |
Cities twinned with Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce | Currently, the town Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce isn’t twinned |
Natural parks | Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce isn't part of a natural park |
What is Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce close to?
Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce neighbouring municipalities | ||
Sainte-Clotilde-de-Beauce | Sainte-Clotilde-de-Beauce | Saint-Victor |
Sainte-Clotilde-de-Beauce | ![]() | Saint-Victor |
Adstock | Adstock | Saint-Benoît-Labre |
Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce neighbouring municipalities | ||
Sainte-Clotilde-de-Beauce 9.8 km | Saint-Victor 10 km | Adstock 10.5 km |
Lac-Poulin 10.9 km | Saint-Benoît-Labre 11.6 km | Saint-Alfred 12.9 km |
La Guadeloupe 13.1 km | Saint-Honoré-de-Shenley 14.3 km | Saint-Évariste-de-Forsyth 14.9 km |
Saint-Jules 16.7 km | East Broughton 19 km | Sacré-Cœur-de-Jésus 19.6 km |
Beauceville 19.6 km | Notre-Dame-des-Pins 22.2 km | Tring-Jonction 22.4 km |
Courcelles 22.4 km | Saint-Georges 22.6 km | Saint-Hilaire-de-Dorset 23.6 km |
Saint-Joseph-des-Érables 24.2 km | Saint-Martin 25.7 km | Saint-Frédéric 26 km |
Distance between Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce and other main cities and towns
Toronto : 712 km | Montreal : 5447 km | Calgary : 3178 km |
Ottawa : 375 km | Edmonton : 3116 km | Winnipeg : 1987 km |
Mississauga : 739 km | Brampton : 743 km | Vancouver : 3849 km |
Quebec : 5557 km | Hamilton : 772 km | Hamilton Township : 772 km |
Surrey : 3832 km | Halifax : 597 km | Laval : 224 km closest |
Distances are calculated as the crow flies |
Leisure and activities in Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce surrounding area
No activities found in town Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce |