Information on Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel
The Municipalité of Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel is located in the province of Quebec. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability. Update data |
Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel Municipal Office
Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel office address | Sainte-Victoire-de-SorelMunicipal building Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel 498, rang Sud Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel J0G1T0 Canada Work+1 450-782-3111 Fax+1 450-782-2687 | |
Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel phone number | (450) 782-3111 International: +1 450-782-3111 | |
Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel email | Loading... | |
Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel official website | | |
Mayor of Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel | Michel Aucoin |
Demography of Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel
Name of Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel inhabitants (demonym) | Victoirien, ienne | |||
Date | Current value | Classed by Region/Country | ||
Population | 2 457 inhabitants | 324 / 990 | ||
Population density in Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel | 32,6 pop/km² (84,4 pop/sq mi) |
Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel administrative numbers
Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel Municipalité code | 53025 |
Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel Municipalité postcode | J0G1T0 |
Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel administrative division
Country | Canada |
Province | Quebec |
Region | Montérégie |
Transportation modes in Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel
Airport | Aéroport de Trois-Rivières 54.6 km Aéroport de Saint-Hubert 54.7 km Aéroport international Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau de Montréal 74.1 km |
Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel territory
Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel area | 7 540 hectares 75,40 km² (29,11 sq mi) |
Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel altitude | 18 Altitude metres |
Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 45.95 Longitude: -73.083 Latitude: 45° 57' 0'' North Longitude: 73° 4' 59'' West |
Time zone | UTC -5:00 (America/Montreal) Summer time : UTC -4:00 Winter time : UTC -5:00 |
Local time | |
Cities twinned with Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel | Currently, the town Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel isn’t twinned |
Natural parks | Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel isn't part of a natural park |
What is Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel close to?
Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel neighbouring municipalities | ||
Saint-Joseph-de-Sorel | Saint-Robert | Saint-Robert |
Saint-Ours | ![]() | Saint-Robert |
Saint-Ours | Saint-Ours | Saint-Aimé |
Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel neighbouring municipalities | ||
Saint-Robert 6.7 km | Saint-Ours 9 km | Saint-Joseph-de-Sorel 9.6 km |
Saint-Roch-de-Richelieu 9.8 km | Lanoraie 10.5 km | Sainte-Anne-de-Sorel 11.2 km |
Sorel-Tracy 11.4 km | Saint-Aimé 12.2 km | Massueville 12.2 km |
Saint-Bernard-de-Michaudville 13.1 km | Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola 13.6 km | Saint-Louis 13.6 km |
Yamaska 14 km | La Visitation-de-l'Île-Dupas 15.7 km | Contrecœur 16.1 km |
Saint-Marcel-de-Richelieu 17 km | Lavaltrie 17.2 km | Berthierville 17.9 km |
Saint-David 18.1 km | Sainte-Geneviève-de-Berthier 18.1 km | Saint-Denis-sur-Richelieu 19.3 km |
Distance between Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel and other main cities and towns
Toronto : 554 km | Montreal : 5460 km | Calgary : 3035 km |
Ottawa : 211 km | Edmonton : 2982 km | Winnipeg : 1839 km |
Mississauga : 581 km | Brampton : 584 km | Vancouver : 3704 km |
Quebec : 5504 km | Hamilton : 616 km | Hamilton Township : 616 km |
Surrey : 3687 km | Halifax : 757 km | Laval : 66 km closest |
Distances are calculated as the crow flies |
Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel town’s surrounding area
in the territory and around the Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel town | ||
Plat 11.8 km Island | Ile Saint-Ours 11.8 km Island | Île Saint-Ignace 15.1 km Island |
Île Dupas 18.7 km Island |
Leisure and activities in Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel surrounding area
No activities found in town Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel |