Municipality Canada > Ontario > Manitoulin > Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands

Information on Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands

The Municipality of Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands is located in the province of Ontario. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands Municipal Office

Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands office addressNortheastern Manitoulin and The IslandsMunicipal building Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands
14 Water Street East, P.O. Box 608

Little Current Ontario, P0P 1K0

Work+1 705-368-3500
Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands phone number(705) 368-3500
International: +1 705-368-3500
Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands emailLoading...
Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands official websitetownofnemi.on.ca
Mayor of Northeastern Manitoulin and The IslandsAlan MacNevin

Demography of Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands

Name of Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population2 641 inhabitants276 / 949
Population density in Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands5,3 pop/km² (13,8 pop/sq mi)

Transportation modes in Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands

Manitowaning/Manitoulin East Municipal Airport 15 km
Gore Bay-Manitoulin Airport 50 km
Elliot Lake Airport 64.6 km

Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands territory

Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands area49 609 hectares
496,09 km² (191,54 sq mi)
Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands altitude190 Altitude metres
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 45.967
Longitude: -81.933
Latitude: 45° 58' 1'' North
Longitude: 81° 55' 59'' West
Time zone
UTC -5:00 (America/Toronto)
Summer time : UTC -4:00
Winter time : UTC -5:00
Local time
Cities twinned with Northeastern Manitoulin and The IslandsCurrently, the town Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands isn’t twinned
Natural parksNortheastern Manitoulin and The Islands isn't part of a natural park

What is Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands close to?

Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands neighbouring municipalities
Sables-Spanish RiversSables-Spanish RiversKillarney
BillingsNeighbouring townsAssiginack
Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands neighbouring municipalities
Billings 26.6 kmSables-Spanish Rivers 28.6 kmAssiginack 28.9 km
Killarney 31.6 kmEspanola 32.7 kmCentral Manitoulin 36 km
Tehkummah 36.8 kmSpanish 38.9 kmBaldwin 40.9 km
Gore Bay 42.5 kmNairn and Hyman 44.9 km 

Distance between Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands and other main cities and towns

Toronto : 320 kmMontreal : 5452 kmCalgary : 2416 km
Ottawa : 489 kmEdmonton : 2397 kmWinnipeg : 1213 km
Mississauga : 319 kmBrampton : 306 km closestVancouver : 3073 km
Quebec : 5219 kmHamilton : 343 kmHamilton Township : 343 km
Surrey : 3055 kmHalifax : 1440 kmLaval : 637 km
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands town’s surrounding area

in the territory and around the Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands town
Wardrop Island 19.1 km
Birch Island 19.1 km
Wardrope Island 19.1 km
Old Birch Island 19.1 km
Clapperton Island 23.5 km
Cape Smith 32.9 km

Leisure and activities in Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands surrounding area

No activities found in town Northeastern Manitoulin and The Islands