Information on Essipit
The Réserve indienne of Essipit is located in the province of Quebec. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Essipit at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability. Update data |
Essipit Municipal Office
Essipit office address | EssipitMunicipal building Essipit Essipit, QC Canada | |
Essipit phone number | Not available | |
Essipit email | Not available | |
Essipit official website | Not available | |
Mayor of Essipit |
Demography of Essipit
Name of Essipit inhabitants (demonym) | Essipiulnu | |||
Date | Current value | Classed by Region/Country | ||
Population | 310 inhabitants | 894 / 2 103 | ||
Population density in Essipit | 794,9 pop/km² (2 058,7 pop/sq mi) |
Essipit territory
Essipit area | 39 hectares 0,39 km² (0,15 sq mi) |
Essipit altitude | 22 Altitude metres |
Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 483 Longitude: -693 Latitude: 483° 0' 0'' North Longitude: 693° 0' 0'' West |
Time zone | UTC -5:00 (America/Montreal) Summer time : UTC -4:00 Winter time : UTC -5:00 |
Local time | |
Cities twinned with Essipit | Currently, the town Essipit isn’t twinned |
Natural parks | Essipit isn't part of a natural park |
What is Essipit close to?
Essipit neighbouring municipalities | ||
![]() | Les Escoumins | |
Les Escoumins | Les Escoumins | |
Essipit neighbouring municipalities | ||
Les Escoumins 1.1 km | Les Bergeronnes 14.9 km | Longue-Rive 26 km |
Trois-Pistoles 29.4 km | Notre-Dame-des-Neiges 30.1 km | Saint-Simon 30.1 km |
Tadoussac 31.5 km | Sacré-Cœur 32.1 km | Saint-Mathieu-de-Rioux 35.4 km |
L'Isle-Verte 36.2 km | Sainte-Françoise 36.3 km | Baie-Sainte-Catherine 36.3 km |
Saint-Éloi 37.8 km | Notre-Dame-des-Sept-Douleurs 37.9 km | Portneuf-sur-Mer 37.9 km |
Saint-Fabien 39.7 km | Saint-Eugène-de-Ladrière 45.5 km | Saint-Paul-de-la-Croix 45.7 km |
Saint-Jean-de-Dieu 45.8 km | Saint-Arsène 47 km | Cacouna 47.6 km |
Distance between Essipit and other main cities and towns
Toronto : 5155 km | Montreal : 3805 km | Calgary : 2592 km |
Ottawa : 5237 km | Edmonton : 2499 km | Winnipeg : 3677 km |
Mississauga : 5150 km | Brampton : 5137 km | Vancouver : 2152 km |
Quebec : 1883 km closest | Hamilton : 5164 km | Hamilton Township : 5164 km |
Surrey : 2172 km | Halifax : 5967 km | Laval : 5335 km |
Distances are calculated as the crow flies |
Leisure and activities in Essipit surrounding area
No activities found in town Essipit |