Municipality Canada > Manitoba > West st. paul

Information on West st. paul

The Rural municipality of West st. paul is located in the province of Manitoba. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of West st. paul at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

West st. paul Municipal Office

West st. paul office addressWest st. paulMunicipal building West st. paul
3550 Main Street

West St. Paul, MB R4A 5A3

Work+1 204-338-0306
Fax+1 204-334-9362
West st. paul phone number(204) 338-0306
International: +1 204-338-0306
West st. paul emailLoading...
West st. paul official websiteNot available
Mayor of West st. paulPeter Truijen

Demography of West st. paul

Name of West st. paul inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population6 682 inhabitants25 / 565
Population density in West st. paul76,1 pop/km² (197,1 pop/sq mi)

Transportation modes in West st. paul

Miners Bay Airport 7.8 km
Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport 14.1 km
Gimli Airport 68.9 km

West st. paul territory

West st. paul area8 781 hectares
87,81 km² (33,90 sq mi)
West st. paul altitude224 Altitude metres
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 50.011
Longitude: -97.115
Latitude: 50° 0' 40'' North
Longitude: 97° 6' 54'' West
Time zone
UTC -6:00 (America/Winnipeg)
Summer time : UTC -5:00
Winter time : UTC -6:00
Local time
Cities twinned with West st. paulCurrently, the town West st. paul isn’t twinned
Natural parksWest st. paul isn't part of a natural park

What is West st. paul close to?

West st. paul neighbouring municipalities
RockwoodSt. AndrewsSt. Andrews
DufferinNeighbouring townsEast st. paul
DufferinEast st. paulEast st. paul
West st. paul neighbouring municipalities
East st. paul 8.7 kmDufferin 10.7 kmGrey 12.1 km
Winnipeg 12.9 kmSt Andrews 13.1 kmRockwood 14.6 km
Stonewall 19.1 kmRosser 22.2 kmHeadingley 24.4 km
Argyle 29.5 kmSpringfield 30.7 kmSt. clements 33.7 km
Ritchot 34.4 kmSt. françois xavier 39.8 kmTaché 41.2 km
Cartier 41.5 kmTeulon 42.6 kmWoodlands 43.1 km
Selkirk 44.3 kmBeausejour 44.9 kmNiverville 45.8 km

Distance between West st. paul and other main cities and towns

Toronto : 1515 kmMontreal : 4964 kmCalgary : 1202 km
Ottawa : 1677 kmEdmonton : 1191 kmWinnipeg : 14 km closest
Mississauga : 1505 kmBrampton : 1492 kmVancouver : 1867 km
Quebec : 4308 kmHamilton : 1512 kmHamilton Township : 1512 km
Surrey : 1850 kmHalifax : 2576 kmLaval : 1807 km
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

West st. paul town’s surrounding area

in the territory and around the West st. paul town
Lower Fort Garry 17.5 km

Leisure and activities in West st. paul surrounding area

Assiniboine Park Zoo
to Winnipeg 17.6 km
Civil Architecture
St. Andrew's Rectory National Historic Site of Canada
to Selkirk 22.8 km
Military architecture
Lower Fort Garry
to St. Andrews 17.5 km