Information on Barons
The Village of Barons is located in the province of Alberta. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Barons at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability. Update data |
Barons Municipal Office
Barons office address | BaronsMunicipal building Barons PO Box 129 Barons, AB T0L 0G0 Canada Work+1 403-757-3633 Fax+1 403-757-2599 | |
Barons phone number | (403) 757-3633 International: +1 403-757-3633 | |
Barons email | Loading... | |
Barons official website | | |
Mayor of Barons | Clinton Bishop |
Demography of Barons
Name of Barons inhabitants (demonym) | Not available | |||
Date | Current value | Classed by Region/Country | ||
Population | 313 inhabitants | 279 / 2 100 | ||
Population density in Barons | 386,4 pop/km² (1 000,8 pop/sq mi) |
Barons administrative numbers
Barons Village code | 0013 |
Barons Village postcode | T0L 0G0 |
Barons administrative division
Country | Canada |
Province | Alberta |
Region | Southern Alberta |
Transportation modes in Barons
Airport | Lethbridge Airport 45.8 km Calgary International Airport 140.7 km Bedwell Harbour Water Aerodrome 153.2 km |
Barons territory
Barons area | 81 hectares 0,81 km² (0,31 sq mi) |
Barons altitude | 962 Altitude metres |
Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 49.999 Longitude: -113.082 Latitude: 49° 59' 56'' North Longitude: 113° 4' 55'' West |
Time zone | UTC -7:00 (America/Edmonton) Summer time : UTC -6:00 Winter time : UTC -7:00 |
Local time | |
Cities twinned with Barons | Currently, the town Barons isn’t twinned |
Natural parks | Barons isn't part of a natural park |
What is Barons close to?
Barons neighbouring municipalities | ||
Carmangay | Carmangay | |
Carmangay | ![]() | Nobleford |
Granum | Nobleford | Nobleford |
Barons neighbouring municipalities | ||
Nobleford 13.3 km | Carmangay 14.9 km | Picture Butte 25.9 km |
Champion 26.9 km | Coalhurst 30.3 km | Granum 33.5 km |
Claresholm 35.5 km | Willow Creek No. 26 35.5 km | Fort Macleod 37.9 km |
Lethbridge 38.5 km | Stavely 44.2 km | Coaldale 45.1 km |
Vulcan 46.9 km | Vulcan County 46.9 km |
Distance between Barons and other main cities and towns
Toronto : 2634 km | Montreal : 4890 km | Calgary : 136 km closest |
Ottawa : 2816 km | Edmonton : 395 km | Winnipeg : 1140 km |
Mississauga : 2621 km | Brampton : 2609 km | Vancouver : 727 km |
Quebec : 3761 km | Hamilton : 2623 km | Hamilton Township : 2623 km |
Surrey : 710 km | Halifax : 3712 km | Laval : 2947 km |
Distances are calculated as the crow flies |
Leisure and activities in Barons surrounding area
No activities found in town Barons |