Municipality Canada > New Brunswick > Gloucester > Bas-Caraquet

Information on Bas-Caraquet

The Village of Bas-Caraquet is located in the province of New Brunswick. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Bas-Caraquet at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Bas-Caraquet Municipal Office

Bas-Caraquet office addressBas-CaraquetMunicipal building Bas-Caraquet
8185, rue St-Paul

Bas-Caraquet, NB E1W 6C4

Work+1 506-726-2776
Fax+1 506-726-2770
Bas-Caraquet phone number(506) 726-2776
International: +1 506-726-2776
Bas-Caraquet emailNot available
Bas-Caraquet official websitebascaraquet.com
Mayor of Bas-CaraquetAgnès Doiron

Demography of Bas-Caraquet

Name of Bas-Caraquet inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population1 311 inhabitants105 / 1 385
Population density in Bas-Caraquet42,3 pop/km² (109,5 pop/sq mi)

Transportation modes in Bas-Caraquet

Bonaventure Airport 55.7 km
Bathurst Airport 70.4 km
Miramichi Airport 99.7 km

Bas-Caraquet territory

Bas-Caraquet area3 101 hectares
31,01 km² (11,97 sq mi)
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 47.8
Longitude: -64.833
Latitude: 47° 48' 0'' North
Longitude: 64° 49' 59'' West
Time zone
UTC -4:00 (America/Moncton)
Summer time : UTC -3:00
Winter time : UTC -4:00
Local time
Cities twinned with Bas-CaraquetCurrently, the town Bas-Caraquet isn’t twinned
Natural parksBas-Caraquet isn't part of a natural park

What is Bas-Caraquet close to?

Bas-Caraquet neighbouring municipalities
Saint-SimonNeighbouring townsPokesudie
Bas-Caraquet neighbouring municipalities
Pokesudie 7.7 kmPointe-Canot 9.3 kmPetite-Lamèque 10.1 km
Sainte-Cécile 10.5 kmPointe-Alexandre 12.6 kmPointe-Brûlée 14 km
Haut-Shippagan 14.3 kmLamèque 14.7 kmSaint-Simon 15.3 km
Shippagan 15.7 kmCaraquet 16 kmChiasson-Savoy 16 km
Maisonnette 16.6 kmVillage-Blanchard 17.6 kmHaut-Lamèque 18.5 km
Pointe-Sauvage 18.8 kmBaie-du-Petit-Pokemouche 19.7 kmVillage-des-Poirier 19.7 km
Le Goulet 19.8 kmSainte-Marie-Saint-Raphaël 20.1 kmEvangéline 20.2 km

Distance between Bas-Caraquet and other main cities and towns

Toronto : 1214 kmMontreal : 5249 kmCalgary : 3516 km
Ottawa : 871 kmEdmonton : 3422 kmWinnipeg : 2360 km
Mississauga : 1241 kmBrampton : 1244 kmVancouver : 4191 km
Quebec : 5562 kmHamilton : 1274 kmHamilton Township : 1274 km
Surrey : 4176 kmHalifax : 364 km closestLaval : 724 km
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Bas-Caraquet town’s surrounding area

in the territory and around the Bas-Caraquet town
Pokesudeide Island 5 km
Pokesudi Island 5 km
Pokesudie Island 5 km
Maisonette Point 13 km
Maisonnette Point 13 km
Shippegan Island 19 km
Shippigan Island 19 km
Mya 29.1 km
North Mya 29.1 km
Miscou Island 29.1 km
Miscow 29.1 km

Leisure and activities in Bas-Caraquet surrounding area

No activities found in town Bas-Caraquet