Information on Broderick
The Village of Broderick is located in the province of Saskatchewan. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Broderick at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability. Update data |
Broderick Municipal Office
Broderick office address | BroderickMunicipal building Broderick Box 29 BRODERICK, SK S0H 0L0 Canada Work+1 306-867-8578 Fax+1 306-867-8578 | |
Broderick phone number | (306) 867-8578 International: +1 306-867-8578 | |
Broderick email | Loading... | |
Broderick official website | Not available | |
Mayor of Broderick | Arlin Simonson |
Demography of Broderick
Name of Broderick inhabitants (demonym) | Not available | |||
Date | Current value | Classed by Region/Country | ||
Population | 96 inhabitants | 476 / 2 302 | ||
Population density in Broderick | 105,5 pop/km² (273,2 pop/sq mi) |
Broderick administrative division
Country | Canada |
Province | Saskatchewan |
Region | Rudy No. 284 |
Transportation modes in Broderick
Airport | Saskatoon John G. Diefenbaker International Airport 74.8 km Swift Current Airport 146.4 km Kindersley Airport 157.2 km |
Broderick territory
Broderick area | 91 hectares 0,91 km² (0,35 sq mi) |
Broderick altitude | 528 Altitude metres |
Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 51.512 Longitude: -106.912 Latitude: 51° 30' 43'' North Longitude: 106° 54' 43'' West |
Time zone | UTC -6:00 (America/Regina) The summer and winter time does not differ from the standard time |
Local time | |
Cities twinned with Broderick | Currently, the town Broderick isn’t twinned |
Natural parks | Broderick isn't part of a natural park |
What is Broderick close to?
Broderick neighbouring municipalities | ||
Montrose | Montrose | Rosedale |
Rudy | ![]() | Glenside |
Rudy | Rudy | Glenside |
Broderick neighbouring municipalities | ||
Rudy 1.4 km | Glenside 8.8 km | Outlook 9.7 km |
Tessier 24.1 km | Macrorie 24.2 km | Hawarden 25.8 km |
Montrose 27.2 km | Strongfield 30 km | Conquest 31 km |
Rosedale 31.2 km | Hanley 35.5 km | Milden 37.1 km |
Coteau 37.1 km | Dinsmore 40.3 km | White Cap 94 42.3 km |
Kenaston 43.6 km | Dundurn 44.3 km | Loreburn 44.9 km |
Thode 45.5 km | Elbow 47.8 km | Delisle 48.5 km |
Distance between Broderick and other main cities and towns
Toronto : 2223 km | Montreal : 4755 km | Calgary : 501 km |
Ottawa : 2381 km | Edmonton : 499 km closest | Winnipeg : 711 km |
Mississauga : 2213 km | Brampton : 2200 km | Vancouver : 1174 km |
Quebec : 3826 km | Hamilton : 2219 km | Hamilton Township : 2219 km |
Surrey : 1159 km | Halifax : 3260 km | Laval : 2508 km |
Distances are calculated as the crow flies |
Broderick town’s surrounding area
in the territory and around the Broderick town | ||
Pallisers Triangle 6.2 km Region | Gardiner Dam 27.5 km Dam |
Leisure and activities in Broderick surrounding area
No activities found in town Broderick |