Municipality Canada > Quebec > Laurentides > Lachute

Information on Lachute

The Ville of Lachute is located in the province of Quebec. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Lachute at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Lachute Municipal Office

Lachute office addressLachuteMunicipal building Lachute
380, rue Principale

Lachute J8H1Y2

Work+1 450-562-3781
Fax+1 450-562-1431
Lachute phone number(450) 562-3781
International: +1 450-562-3781
Lachute emailLoading...
Lachute official websitelachute.ca
Mayor of LachuteBernard Bigras-Denis

Demography of Lachute

Name of Lachute inhabitants (demonym)Lachutois, oise
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population14 100 inhabitants87 / 311
Population density in Lachute128,2 pop/km² (332,1 pop/sq mi)

Lachute administrative numbers

Lachute Ville code76020
Lachute Ville postcodeJ8H1Y2

Transportation modes in Lachute

Aéroport international Montréal–Mirabel 23.1 km
Aéroport international Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau de Montréal 50.4 km
Cornwall Regional Airport 64.7 km

Lachute territory

Lachute area10 996 hectares
109,96 km² (42,46 sq mi)
Lachute altitude59 Altitude metres
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 45.65
Longitude: -74.333
Latitude: 45° 39' 0'' North
Longitude: 74° 19' 59'' West
Time zone
UTC -5:00 (America/Montreal)
Summer time : UTC -4:00
Winter time : UTC -5:00
Local time
Cities twinned with LachuteCurrently, the town Lachute isn’t twinned
Natural parksLachute isn't part of a natural park

What is Lachute close to?

Lachute neighbouring municipalities
Brownsburg-ChathamNeighbouring townsGore
Lachute neighbouring municipalities
Brownsburg-Chatham 7.5 kmSaint-André-d'Argenteuil 9.3 kmPointe-Fortune 10.1 km
Gore 14.5 kmSaint-Placide 16.7 kmWentworth 16.9 km
Saint-Colomban 18.1 kmEast Hawkesbury 18.3 kmRigaud 19.2 km
Mirabel 19.5 kmMille-Isles 20.7 kmGrenville 21.1 km
Hawkesbury 21.9 kmGrenville-sur-la-Rouge 23.3 kmWentworth-Nord 24 km
Très-Saint-Rédempteur 24.4 kmHudson 26.5 kmSainte-Anne-des-Lacs 27.1 km
Champlain 27.9 kmSainte-Marthe 28 kmOka 28.2 km

Distance between Lachute and other main cities and towns

Toronto : 452 kmMontreal : 5493 kmCalgary : 2962 km
Ottawa : 109 kmEdmonton : 2917 kmWinnipeg : 1763 km
Mississauga : 479 kmBrampton : 482 kmVancouver : 3629 km
Quebec : 5495 kmHamilton : 514 kmHamilton Township : 514 km
Surrey : 3612 kmHalifax : 850 kmLaval : 46 km closest
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Leisure and activities in Lachute surrounding area

No activities found in town Lachute