Municipality Canada > Ontario > Simcoe > Bradford West Gwillimbury

Information on Bradford West Gwillimbury

The Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury is located in the province of Ontario. Its area, population and other key information are listed below.
For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Bradford West Gwillimbury at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability.

Update data

Bradford West Gwillimbury Municipal Office

Bradford West Gwillimbury office addressBradford West GwillimburyTown hall Bradford West Gwillimbury
100 Dissette Street, PO Box 100

Bradford, ON L3Z 2A7

Work+1 905-775-5366
Fax+1 905-775-8633
Bradford West Gwillimbury phone number(905) 775-5366
International: +1 905-775-5366
Bradford West Gwillimbury emailLoading...
Bradford West Gwillimbury official websitetownofbwg.com
Mayor of Bradford West GwillimburyJames Leduc

Demography of Bradford West Gwillimbury

Name of Bradford West Gwillimbury inhabitants (demonym)Not available
DateCurrent valueClassed by Region/Country
Population42 880 inhabitants52 / 128
Population density in Bradford West Gwillimbury213,3 pop/km² (552,4 pop/sq mi)

Bradford West Gwillimbury administrative numbers

Bradford West Gwillimbury Town code10105
Bradford West Gwillimbury Town postcodeL3Z

Transportation modes in Bradford West Gwillimbury

Toronto/Buttonville Municipal Airport 36.8 km
Downsview Airport 45.5 km
Toronto Pearson International Airport 50.7 km

Bradford West Gwillimbury territory

Bradford West Gwillimbury area20 104 hectares
201,04 km² (77,62 sq mi)
Bradford West Gwillimbury altitude296 Altitude metres
Geographical coordinatesLatitude: 44.133
Longitude: -79.633
Latitude: 44° 7' 59'' North
Longitude: 79° 37' 59'' West
Time zone
UTC -5:00 (America/Toronto)
Summer time : UTC -4:00
Winter time : UTC -5:00
Local time
Cities twinned with Bradford West GwillimburyCurrently, the town Bradford West Gwillimbury isn’t twinned
Natural parksBradford West Gwillimbury isn't part of a natural park

What is Bradford West Gwillimbury close to?

Bradford West Gwillimbury neighbouring municipalities
New TecumsethNeighbouring townsKing
New TecumsethKingKing
Bradford West Gwillimbury neighbouring municipalities
King 9.9 kmNew Tecumseth 10.9 kmEast Gwillimbury 16.3 km
Newmarket 16.7 kmEssa 17.7 kmInnisfil 19 km
Aurora 19.9 kmAdjala-Tosorontio 24 kmGeorgina 24 km
Barrie 31.4 kmRichmond Hill 32 kmSpringwater 34.3 km
Vaughan 35.1 kmWhitchurch-Stouffville 35.8 kmMono 37 km
Mulmur 38.5 kmUxbridge 40.8 kmMarkham 41.4 km
Caledon 41.7 kmOrangeville 45.1 kmShelburne 45.7 km

Distance between Bradford West Gwillimbury and other main cities and towns

Toronto : 48 km closestMontreal : 5659 kmCalgary : 2670 km
Ottawa : 343 kmEdmonton : 2661 kmWinnipeg : 1471 km
Mississauga : 59 kmBrampton : 51 kmVancouver : 3321 km
Quebec : 5480 kmHamilton : 99 kmHamilton Township : 99 km
Surrey : 3303 kmHalifax : 1275 kmLaval : 491 km
Distances are calculated as the crow flies

Bradford West Gwillimbury town’s surrounding area

in the territory and around the Bradford West Gwillimbury town
Snake Island 23.7 km

Leisure and activities in Bradford West Gwillimbury surrounding area

Tyndale Beach Park
to Barrie 26.9 km
Minet's Point Beach
to Barrie 27.2 km
Centennial Beach
to Barrie 28.1 km
Johnson Beach
to Barrie 29 km
Sacred architecture
Her Majesty’s Royal Chapel of the Mohawks
to King 5.9 km
Sharon Temple
to East Gwillimbury 15.7 km
Allandale Station Park
to Barrie 27.1 km