Information on Sainte-Madeleine
The Village of Sainte-Madeleine is located in the province of Quebec. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the municipal building of Sainte-Madeleine at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the municipality’s Customer Service by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability. Update data |
Sainte-Madeleine Municipal Office
Sainte-Madeleine office address | Sainte-MadeleineMunicipal building Sainte-Madeleine 850, rue Saint-Simon Sainte-Madeleine J0H1S0 Canada Work+1 450-795-3822 Fax+1 450-795-3736 | |
Sainte-Madeleine phone number | (450) 795-3822 International: +1 450-795-3822 | |
Sainte-Madeleine email | Loading... | |
Sainte-Madeleine official website | | |
Mayor of Sainte-Madeleine | Marie-Hélène Demers |
Demography of Sainte-Madeleine
Name of Sainte-Madeleine inhabitants (demonym) | Madeleinois, oise | |||
Date | Current value | Classed by Region/Country | ||
Population | 2 268 inhabitants | 343 / 1 035 | ||
Population density in Sainte-Madeleine | 422,3 pop/km² (1 093,9 pop/sq mi) |
Sainte-Madeleine administrative numbers
Sainte-Madeleine Village code | 54025 |
Sainte-Madeleine Village postcode | J0H1S0 (Another town has the same postcode) |
Sainte-Madeleine administrative division
Country | Canada |
Province | Quebec |
Region | Montérégie |
Transportation modes in Sainte-Madeleine
Airport | Aéroport de Saint-Hubert 26.4 km Aéroport de Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu 36.8 km Aéroport Roland-Désourdy 44.4 km |
Sainte-Madeleine territory
Sainte-Madeleine area | 537 hectares 5,37 km² (2,07 sq mi) |
Sainte-Madeleine altitude | 22 Altitude metres |
Geographical coordinates | Latitude: 45.6 Longitude: -73.1 Latitude: 45° 36' 0'' North Longitude: 73° 6' 0'' West |
Time zone | UTC -5:00 (America/Montreal) Summer time : UTC -4:00 Winter time : UTC -5:00 |
Local time | |
Cities twinned with Sainte-Madeleine | Currently, the town Sainte-Madeleine isn’t twinned |
Natural parks | Sainte-Madeleine isn't part of a natural park |
What is Sainte-Madeleine close to?
Sainte-Madeleine neighbouring municipalities | ||
Saint-Charles-sur-Richelieu | La Présentation | La Présentation |
Belœil | ![]() | La Présentation |
Belœil | Belœil | Saint-Damase |
Sainte-Madeleine neighbouring municipalities | ||
Sainte-Marie-Madeleine 0 km | La Présentation 8.4 km | Belœil 8.6 km |
Saint-Mathieu-de-Belœil 8.6 km | Mont-Saint-Hilaire 8.6 km | Saint-Jean-Baptiste 9.4 km |
Saint-Damase 10.8 km | Saint-Hyacinthe 11.2 km | Saint-Charles-sur-Richelieu 11.3 km |
Otterburn Park 11.7 km | McMasterville 11.8 km | Saint-Marc-sur-Richelieu 12.1 km |
Saint-Basile-le-Grand 16.1 km | Saint-Amable 16.5 km | Sainte-Julie 18.3 km |
Rougemont 19 km | Saint-Pie 19.2 km | Marieville 19.2 km |
Saint-Mathias-sur-Richelieu 19.7 km | Saint-Dominique 19.8 km | Richelieu 20.4 km |
Distance between Sainte-Madeleine and other main cities and towns
Toronto : 538 km | Montreal : 5499 km | Calgary : 3051 km |
Ottawa : 203 km | Edmonton : 3001 km | Winnipeg : 1853 km |
Mississauga : 565 km | Brampton : 569 km | Vancouver : 3719 km |
Quebec : 5539 km | Hamilton : 598 km | Hamilton Township : 598 km |
Surrey : 3702 km | Halifax : 754 km | Laval : 51 km closest |
Distances are calculated as the crow flies |
Sainte-Madeleine town’s surrounding area
in the territory and around the Sainte-Madeleine town | ||
Monteregian Hills 13.6 km Hills | Saint Bruno Mountain 19 km Hill | Chareau Island 29.9 km Island |
Ile Charron 29.9 km Island | Charon Island 29.9 km Island | Les Iles Vertes 30.1 km Islands |
Iles Vertes 30.1 km Islands | Île du Moulin 33.1 km Island | Plat 34.6 km Island |
Ile Saint-Ours 34.6 km Island |
Leisure and activities in Sainte-Madeleine surrounding area
Military architecture | |
Fort Chambly National Historic Site of Canada to Chambly 21.7 km |